miles to go…

snippets from the zellner family

Growing up July 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — zellner @ 9:40 pm

Just today…

olivia rode a bike without training wheels down the street.

emma rode a bike without training wheels down the street.

lucy walked holding one of my fingers.

cord used the potty correctly.

It has been a big day of growing up in the zellner household.


5 Responses to “Growing up”

  1. Lauren Says:

    yay! at least the girls didn’t take off their training wheels on their own like Matthew did 🙂 they’re all getting so big!

  2. Mary Foster Says:

    What a big day and its only Monday. Yeah for growing up!

  3. Carlin Says:

    What a VERY cool day! Miss you and the family!

  4. zellner Says:

    we miss you too! We were missing lots of Fosters last weekend!

  5. Sallye Says:

    Woohoo for the Zellners!
    Love you all

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